Pastor, T. Basil Sturrup
During this period of heightened awareness of the COVID-19 disease, we invited you to join our worship services that are being streamed online.
You are invited to join our Church Family online each week for our scheduled services.
Sabbaths (Saturdays):
Dial-in (646) 558-8656 (US), Meeting / Conference ID#: 876 7079 0786#.)
Join us at one of our upcoming events. Check out our programs and dates. There is a program for everyone. read more
Phone: (860) 522-0625
Come and hear the talented Genesis Choir sing amazing spiritual songs that will bless your soul
Donating to the Faith SDA ministry is simple and secure.
Click on the Online Giving image to donate directly or download the app to your Android or Apple device.
Please check here for the latest news, updates, weekly bulletin and announcements.